• Please notify us as soon as possible if your child has had a positive Covid-19 test.
  • If your child has symptoms of Covid-19 they must isolate and do a LFD test (PCR tests are suspended from 11 Jan), then follow the advice you're given when you get the result.
  • If your child has other symptoms or is not feeling well, then stay away from school as you normally would if your child was unwell. We also advise that you seek a PCR test or do a LFD test for your child - the virus is presenting in children with a variety of symptoms.
  • Anyone who has previously received a positive Covid-19 PCR test result should not be re-tested within 90 days of that test, unless they develop any new symptoms of Covid-19.
  • Continue with routine twice weekly LFD testing at home if your family is participating.
  • Consider participating in twice weekly LFD testing if your family has yet to participate.

Testing is a basic measure that remains vital to reducing transmission of the virus. If there has been a confirmed case of Covid19 in your child’s class, we strongly you test your child with a LFD, 

If there is a confirmed case of Covid19 in your household, we again request that all children or siblings obtain a LFD test and share a negative result before attending School.

Updated notification of confirmed cases of Covid19 listed below by class. (last updated 7 April 2022)

Thank you for your support.


We currently have 2 members of staff absent due to a positive LFD / PCR test


No confirmed cases of Covid19 reported. No action advised.

Dolphins Class

No confirmed cases of Covid19 reported. No action advised.

Seahorses Class

No confirmed cases of Covid19 reported. No action advised.

Sharks Class

No confirmed case of Covid19 reported. No action advised.

Bears Class

No confirmed case of Covid19 reported. No action advised.

Leopards Class

No confirmed case of Covid19 reported. No action advised.

Tigers Class

No confirmed cases of Covid19 reported. No action advised

Lions Class

No confirmed cases of Covid19 reported. No action advised.


Book a PCR Test here

What symptoms should I look out for in my child?

Updated NHS COVID-19 symptoms lists

The NHS COVID-19 symptoms in adults and symptoms in children have been updated.

Adults and children who have symptoms of a respiratory infection, including COVID-19, should follow the UKHSA guidance. Children and young people who are unwell and have a high temperature should stay at home and avoid contact with other people, where they can. They can go back to school, college or childcare and resume normal activities when they no longer have a high temperature, and they are well enough to attend.

You need to use the 111 online service which you can access by clicking this link. 


A useful link for parents regarding pay whilst off work


Child Friendly Support Booklets 

With the children returning to school we are very conscious that some children may be anxious about being back in school after such a long time away. They are really nicely written and illustrated and we feel help to explain things in a way that we can all understand. Please click on the link below to access them. 


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