St. Bernard’s Catholic Primary School & Nursery - welcome from our new Headteacher.

I am delighted to be able to welcome you to our school as the new Headteacher of St Bernard’s Catholic Primary School. I feel extremely honoured and privileged to have been chosen to continue to build upon the success the school has already achieved under the leadership of Mrs Barlow. 

Being a father of a young girl, I am very much aware of the responsibility that my staff and I have in ensuring that the highest standard of teaching and learning is achieved. We have a hugely committed team and wonderful children, which of course, is a great place for any new head to start! Together with the unwavering support of the school team we are extremely excited about the journey ahead. 

The needs of the children are always paramount in the life and decision making within a school. I strongly believe in providing the children with exciting, creative and meaningful learning experiences, which build their enthusiasm for learning and help them to grow and develop positively in a variety of ways. My goal is to ensure all children who attend St Bernard’s are happy and provided with all the necessary opportunities to be the best they can be spiritually, socially and academically. I think it is crucial to involve the children and their families as partners in their education. I am also keen on building a whole school community which thrives on our Catholic values, mutual respect and values positive relationships. I know how vital working in partnership with parents really is in order for children to find school a positive and rewarding experience. As key educators in your children’s lives, I feel that it is important that you have a voice and that as a school we are approachable and allocate time to listen to your concerns, worries or thoughts about the school. 

You can be assured that as Headteacher, I will strive to create the best education for your child/children whilst they are members of our school family. I look forward to watching your children grow in confidence, knowledge and spirituality during their time at St Bernard’s and will thank you in advance for the support I know you will give all members of our school community, in the years to come.


St. Bernard’s Catholic Primary School & Nursery - a farewell note from Mrs. Mia Barlow  our headteacher 2008 - 2024

I am so fortunate to have had the privilege of being headteacher at St. Bernard’s for the last 16 years. It is so hard to say “goodbye” so I won’t!

I just want to say some heartfelt thanks.

Firstly, to all our Governors including those who appointed me in the first place. Governors - your support and challenge over the years has helped St. Bernard’s to continually grow and develop. Your commitment to excellence, support for the vulnerable and being a visible presence of God in our world has been unwavering - long may it continue!

Staff - where do I start? As head, I sit on your shoulders. It is you who make the difference in our children lives. For your incredible hard work, passion for education, love for our children and keeping me organised - there are just not enough words! For laughing and crying with me, jointly living out our Mission statement , walking with me in my leadership and making my job the best job in the world - I love you!

Parents - for sharing your children with us - thank you. For trusting us, being open and honest with us, sharing worries, sorrows and joys and letting us share your child’s journey -thank you.

Children - You are my absolute joy! Being with you helps me keep my joy and enthusiasm for life. I am so very very proud of each and everyone of you. I know you may not all be absolutely perfect every minute of every day but I love you all just the way you are. When you sing all together in prayer and liturgy you bring a tear to my eye - or more recently many tears to my eyes! Always believe in yourselves and be the very best that you can. Remember our big 3 rules and live your lives by them. You are my joy and I have loved being your headteacher. I want to thank you for your love too.

It makes it easier for me to leave knowing that Mr Turner will be your new headteacher - I am so happy for you all. He is amazing and will be a fantastic headteacher. I am very proud of him too. You are very lucky to have him as your headteacher.

God bless you all. Have a wonderful joyous Easter and know you will all forever be in my heart and prayers.