OUR SENCO is Mrs. Terry.  c.terry@st-bernards.lancs.sch.uk.  01772 728153


Updated: 14/06/2024 5.88 MB
The SEND Newsletter is for parents and carers of, and professionals working with, children and young people with special educational needs and/or a disability (SEND).
Updated: 08/03/2024 5.98 MB
Updated: 23/02/2024 147 KB
Updated: 07/04/2022 284 KB
All schools have a statutory requirement to publish a ‘School Local Offer’ a document which outlines how we, as a school, seek to meet the needs of all pupils
Updated: 06/12/2023 290 KB

Helping families with Special Educational Needs in Lancashire.


The Lancashire SEND Partnership are asking families for feedback on the support provided to children and young people with special educational needs and/or disdabilities (SEND) in Lancashire.

There are two surveys, one for children and young people aged 5+ with SEND, and one for their parents and carers. All responses are anonymous.
