
Mrs. S. Alsop

Mrs. S. Alsop

Chair of Governors / Foundation Governor & Achievement and Assessment Governor

I am glad I am able to give something back to St Bernard’s through the role of Foundation Governor. My daughter started at St Bernard’s in September 2019 and loves it; it is wonderful to see her thriving in the start of her academic journey even with the challenges of COVID 19. I believe that all children should grow feeling loved, important and worthy with equal access to a good education. I have worked for 5 years as an IT Project Manager for a not for profit housing association and have 25 years experience in the Civil Service working in a variety of roles across different departments. I also gained a BSc in Computing and an MSc in Agile Software Projects to support my career progression. With a young girl and a young energetic dog, most of my spare time is spent playing, making arts and crafts and going out for walks on the canal and in Preston’s lovely parks – with the occasional cinema trip with friends! I hope my skills and contribution can be of value to St Bernard’s. I have no beneficial interests, which I or any person closely connected with me, have with businesses or other organisations which may have dealings with St. Bernard’s Catholic Primary School. I do not govern at any other educational establishments I have no relationships with members of school staff I will undertake to inform the school of any change in these interests.

Mrs Geraldine Halton

Mrs Geraldine Halton

Foundation Governor & Safeguarding / I.T. Governor

In July 2013 I took early retirement from my full time teaching post at a local Catholic primary school. The following September I became a Foundation Governor at St Bernard’s. This was ideal for me because I live very near the school and have lived in Lea virtually all my life. I feel very privileged to be part of the St Bernard’s family and working alongside staff whose primary aim is to nurture and develop the full potential of every child in their care. While teaching I taught mainly KS1 children, I was responsible for leading KS1 and was Deputy Head for several years. I still work at the school one day a week and occasionally cover staff absences. As a result of all this experience I feel I can make a valuable contribution to the school’s Standards and Effectiveness Committee. Now that I have more time I enjoy walking our dog, travelling, visiting my sons in London, reading and generally taking the time to appreciate the things we sometimes miss when we lead very busy lives. I have signed a declaration for academic year 2023/2024 which states that: I have no beneficial interests, which I or any person closely connected with me, have with businesses or other organisations which may have dealings with St. Bernard’s Catholic Primary School. I do not govern at any other educational establishments I have no relationships with members of school staff I will undertake to inform the school of any change in these interests.

Mrs Angela Harding

Mrs Angela Harding

Vice Chair of Governors / Foundation Governor & Early Years Governor

Born and brought up in Warwickshire, I moved to Lancashire when I married and have lived in this area since 1984, becoming very much involved in the life of the parish and school. Having been a primary school teacher in Catholic schools in Preston until retirement, I think children should be able to enjoy learning, develop and grow in confidence and use their talents and abilities in a caring Catholic atmosphere. Having taught in the early years sector, this is my main area of interest alongside the development of literary skills. I hope I can help to make St. Bernard's an outstanding and caring school. I have signed a declaration for academic year 2023/ 2024 which states that: I have no beneficial interests, which I or any person closely connected with me, have with businesses or other organisations which may have dealings with St. Bernard’s Catholic Primary School. I do not govern at any other educational establishments I have no relationships with members of school staff I will undertake to inform the school of any change in these interests.

Mrs. Annie McEnnerney-Whittle

Mrs. Annie McEnnerney-Whittle

Co-opted Governor with voting rights

I have had a connection with St. Bernard's for 20 years as my two daughters both attended from 1995. During this time I was elected Parent Governor which I thoroughly enjoyed. I became school business manager in 2005 & have worked closely with all governors since that date. I have signed a declaration for academic year 2024/2025 which states that: I have no beneficial interests, which I or any person closely connected with me, have with businesses or other organisations which may have dealings with St. Bernard’s Catholic Primary School. I do not govern at any other educational establishments I have no relationships with members of school staff I will undertake to inform the school of any change in these interests.

Rev. Jim Slater

Rev. Jim Slater

Foundation Governor & Catholic Life & RE Governor

I have previously been Chairman of Governors for a number of years. I have five adult children and two adult grandchildren all of whom attended St. Bernard's Catholic Primary School. My involvement with St. Bernard's goes back to the 1960s. I was ordained Deacon at SS Peter and Paul Church by the late Bishop John Brewer in 1995. For 30 years I worked as a engineer at B.A.E and was involved in the Trade Union. I have always supported P.N.E. and had the great privilege of seeing all of Tom Finney's career. I stood down as Chair of Governors in November 2016 but continue to serve as a foundation governor I have signed a declaration for academic year 2023/2024 which states that: I have no beneficial interests, which I or any person closely connected with me, have with businesses or other organisations which may have dealings with St. Bernard’s Catholic Primary School. I do not govern at any other educational establishments I have no relationships with members of school staff I will undertake to inform the school of any change in these interests.

Mr. Roy Turner

Mr. Roy Turner


In April 2024 I became headteacher at St. Bernard’s previously teaching at St Bernard's for 14 years. I have always tried to develop in children a passion for learning. I believe this can only be done through a broad and balanced cross-curricular approach. I believe that a school should provide a safe and stimulating environment for children to learn in and I am committed to the safeguarding of children. Being brought up in South Africa I have a love for most sports especially cricket, rugby and golf. I have signed a declaration for academic year 2023/2024 which states that: I have no beneficial interests, which I or any person closely connected with me, have with businesses or other organisations which may have dealings with St. Bernard’s Catholic Primary School. I do not govern at any other educational establishments I have no relationships with members of school staff I will undertake to inform the school of any change in these interests.

Mrs. L. Wells-Earp

Mrs. L. Wells-Earp

Staff Governor, SEN & Website Governor

I have been working at St. Bernard's since 2018 & am loving being part of such a warm, caring family. I feel now is the time to become more involved as I have the time, energy & enthusiasm to play much more of an active part in the team that guides St. Bernard's. I have practical knowledge & a background in business management. I am also very much a "people"person. I have signed a declaration for academic year 2023/2024 which states that: I have no beneficial interests, which I or any person closely connected with me, have with businesses or other organisations which may have dealings with St. Bernard’s Catholic Primary School. I do not govern at any other educational establishments I have no relationships with members of school staff I will undertake to inform the school of any change in these interests.

Mrs. R. Webster

Mrs. R. Webster

Foundation Governor & Well-being Governor

I am very pleased to be part of the Governors for St. Bernard's. This school holds a special place for me, I not only had the privilege of experiencing my education through this school but my 3 sons have also embarked on the St Bernard's Journey. I am a Part Time Nursing sister at Royal Preston hospital with over 22 years background in nursing. I have an extensive knowledge in Cancer nursing but also worked As a school nurse for over 4 years. The health and well being of people is a true vocation for me and I am hoping to use this expertise and knowledge throughout my Role as Governor. I have signed a declaration for academic year 2023/2024 which states that : I have no beneficial interests, which I or any person closely connected with me have any businesses or other organisations which may have dealings with St. Bernard's. I do not govern at any other educational establishments, I have no relationships with members of school staff. I will undertake to inform the school of any changes in these interests

Ms. Evie Mrkalj

Ms. Evie Mrkalj

Parent Governor responsible for GDPR

“I'm delighted to serve as a parent governor at St. Bernard’s. The schools commitment to excellence and fostering a positive learning environment is truly inspiring. As a parent, I’m passionate about ensuring that our children receive the best possible education. With a background in accounting, I’m dedicated to promoting fiscal responsibility and transparency within the school. I believe that financial stewardship is a vital component of a successful educational setting. I have no personal interest or relationships that could conflict with my role as a governor, and I will be transparent about any changes to my circumstances. “

Miss Bethany Van Mierlo

Miss Bethany Van Mierlo

Parent Governor responsible for H & S of premises

I am pleased to become a parent governor and hope to be able to give something back to St Bernard’s. I have two daughters at the school who both enjoy it.  I believe that all children should be nurtured and supported to reach their full potential. Finding what they are good at  and what interests them.  I have 13 years experience as a children’s nurse, caring for children with a range of medical, surgical and mental health conditions.  As a family in our spare time we enjoy days out, being outdoors and active. Last year we took up paddle boarding.  I hope my skills and contribution can be of value to St Bernard’s. I have no interests to declare I declare I am not a governor at any other educational establishement. I declare that I have no relationships (including spouses, partners & relatives) to members of school staff